Monday, August 18, 2014

Operation "Bring on the Skinny Jeans"!

While I know I will never wear skinny jeans (God gave me hips and thighs, so it just won't happen), I can still go for my size 4 Calvin Kleins!

Those are my go to jeans that let me know I've hit my goal!  It's not about a number on the scale!  It's about getting back into those jeans! I want to be back in them for the fall!

So I'm working on a "Bring on the skinny jeans" challenge group.  I would love to have people join me.  I'm still getting all the details together, so if you want to join me message me!  I will be glad to help you fit into your skinny jeans too!

Until I get all the details worked out I'm doing a PIYO/P90X3 hybrid!  This morning was PIYO sculpt and usually it takes 24 hours for the soreness to kick in, but at the 12 hour mark my thighs and bumm were screaming as I tried to walk up the stairs.  

Humm maybe I should include PIYO in the skinny jeans challenge!  

Did I mention my triceps are starting to scream too?  Those tricep push-ups and dips will do that to ya.

You can get your own copy of PIYO here 

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