Monday, July 28, 2014

Free Shipping on PIYO

So the newest program Beachbody has come out with is PIYO!

It's a mix of Pilates and Yoga in one and it's done at a faster pace to burn calories!  And it's done by one of my favorite instructors, Chalean Johnson!

I ordered mine today, tomorrow is my birthday, so this is my present!  Yippee!  I can't wait for it to get here!

For these last few days of the month you can get this awesome program with free shipping!  And if you were wanting to try Shakeology then it's an even better time to to try it!  Thru the end of July the challenge pack with a month of Shakeology and the PIYO workout program is on sale for only $10 more than the regular price of Shakeology!

Check it out for yourself here 

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