Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Portion Control Works!

Do you want to know the easiet change to make that results in weight loss?

It's measuring your food!  It's a real eye opener.  When you measure out a serving of pasta you will be shocked.  I think my pasta plates were holding 3 servings.  Oh my goodness.  That's a lot of calories and carbs.  

Do you know how many servings of each food group you should have in a day?

It can vary based on an individual.

What if there was a plan to help you see the correct amounts of each food group you need?

Good news for you, there is!

21 Day Fxi!

What if that program also came with a workout program with 30 minute workouts!  Double score!

You can get your own copy here www.teambeachbody.com/amyfreemon

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