Wednesday, July 2, 2014


In case you have noticed I love trying new recipes and creating my own!

Healthy eating can be really good.  Most people just don't give healthy eating a chance.

Stick with me and I will show you lots of yummy foods!

Strawberry Shakeology with frozen orange, 1/2 frozen banana, 8-10 oz water and handful of spinach and a 1/2 of an apple as a side

This was really good.  I took some white fish and put in a foil pack with a couple tablespoons of mango salsa ontop.  Cook for 15 min at 350 and let the steam out before you open all the way after it's done.
I also had marinated mushrooms and quinoa Mac n cheese.
1/2 cup cooked quinoa, 1 wedge laughing cow Swiss cheese and 1 tbsp of shredded cheddar.  Warm together and stir till mixed.  Oh my I was in heaven!

Cookie Dough?  

Well almost.  It tasted like it!  1 small container of Greek vanilla yogurt, 1 tbsp PB2 and a sprinkle of choc chips!  Mix together and enjoy!

You can get your own Shakeology here 

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