Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Some Yummy New Eats!

So you already know I love my PB2!  I use quite a bit in my shakes and oatmeal!  Well yesterday I found the choc PB2 at my Target!  I've been wanting to try it but didn't want to pay for shipping!

So for lunch today......

It was so good!  Strawberry Shakeology, 2 tbsp choc PB2, ice and 10 oz water!
175 calories!  I had a half of an apple too!  I was so full I could hardly finish my apples!

Snack this afternoon was sunflower seeds and raisins! I had 1/8 cup or 1 yellow if doing 21 Day fix


Hubby cooked dinner and man was it yummy!
Simple and sweet!  He grilled out tonight!  The veggies he made in a foil pack with 2 tbsp of Italian vinaigrette for the entire pack.  He had squash, mushrooms, onions, sweet peppers and carrots. He let them cook for about 45 min on the grill.  This was so good!  I think I'll let him cook it again! 😉 

Not sure about the calories in this one but the 21 Day Fix containers are 1 red, 1 blue, 2 green

Exercise today was simple.  We went walking with this beautiful fall like weather we are having in July!  I'm loving it!  Going to have several more days of it!  Yay!

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