Sunday, August 3, 2014

What to do when you Overindulge!

We've all done it.  We've gone out to eat and eaten too much.  Sneaked way too much candy from the kids candy stash.  Had too much to drink.  Ate half the bag of chips without even realizing it.

So the question is what do you next?  Do you skip your next meal to recover some of those extra calories?  NO!  The best thing you can do is eat a healthy meal for the next meal!  It will reset your brain into healthy eating mode again and ward of starving.  If you try to skip the meal you will end up starving and binge again.

If you are drinking Shakeology you can do what I do and do a 3 day cleanse.  I like to do them every so often as a good cleanse!  It is gentle on your tummy and fills you full of vitamins and nutrients without chemicals and fake sugars!

So if you over did it this weekend it's ok.  Brush it off and get back on track!

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