I don't know about you but eating thru the holidays have always been a struggle for me.
I can easily start in October and not stop till New Years. Why? All the fun food! All the parties and get togethers! All the yummy seasonal food!
So what's a girl to do? Sit back and watch the weight gain? Or come up with a game plan?
Game plan it is!
I didn't make it thru October (due to my wonderful cold/cough/sickness) so it is a game plan for November and December!
21 Day Fix is the game plan!
What's the 21 Day Fix? It's a eating program that teaches proper portion control with these wonderful containers that are color coded! It also includes 30 minute workouts which are especially helpful when we are so busy during the holidays!
Start on Nov 3 and go till Thanksgiving! Enjoy Thanksgiving without stressing. Do a 3 day Shakeology cleanse Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Then start another round of 21 Day Fix on Dec 1 and go thru till Christmas Eve. Enjoy Christmas Eve and Christmas Day without stressing! Then follow with a 3 day Shakeology cleanse after.
This is a wonderful way to get us thru the season of eating! Now there may be days where there is a party and as the holidays as get closer I will post some tips to help with those times.
Are you excited yet? I am and can't wait to get started!
If you want to join me you can order your own 21 Day Fix here www.teambeachbody.com/amyfreemon and click on the challenge tab and select 21 Day Fix!